Core: Desolation-Of-Hoth:
All: Selected: Not: | Un En Ev Fa Ob
  • Cost: Total play cost. ø = average play cost per Unit, Enhancement or Event card
  • Force: Total available force icons. ø = average number of force icons per card in command deck
  • Obj Resources: Total available resources from objectives. ø = average number of resource points per objective
  • Oth Resources: Total available resources from non objectives. ø = average number of resource points per card in command deck
  • Unit Dmg Capa: Total damage capacity from Unit cards. ø = average damage capacity on unit cards
  • Types: Un = Unit, En = Enhacement, Ev = Event, Fa = Fate, ø = average amount of this type in command deck
  • Affiliation: Ne = Neutral, Je = Jedi, Re = Rebell Alliance, Sm = Smugglers and Spies, Si = Sith, Im = Imperial Navy, Sc = Scum and Villainy, ø = average amount of this affiliation in command & objective deck
  • Combat Icons: UD = Unit Damage, BD = Blast Damage, T = Tactics, EE-UD = Edge-Unit Damage, EE-BD = Edge-Blast Damage, EE-T = Edge-Tactics, ø = average amount of this affiliation in command deck